The routing number for St Luke'S Credit Union is 324172708.
St Luke'S Credit Union is located at this address: 105 West State Street, Boise, Idaho.
In case of mail delivery, this is the full address you should use:
St Luke'S Credit Union
105 West State Street
To contact St Luke'S Credit Union by phone, call: (208) 381-2099
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Please Note:
This page has the contact information and routing numbers for St Luke'S Credit Union.
You'll find information like phone number, full address, zip code, routing numbers and more.
We are working hard to keep the site updated, however, we cannot guarantee that the information on the site is fully updated at any point in time as changes may occur at any time we encourage you to validate the information with your bank.
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St Luke'S Credit Union
Routing Numbers General Information
Routing number is a 9 digit number given to a bank by the ABA (American Bankers Association) in order to recognize the bank for which payment is being sent to.
Routing numbers are often called ABA numbers, Check routing numbers, or Routing transit numbers (RTN).
Routing numbers change from bank to bank and from one bank location to another, there are also different routing numbers for different transactions.
Routing Numbers for Random Banks
U.S. Bank Na60 Livingston Ave, St Paul, Minnesota Amarillo National Bank
Plaza One - 4Th & Taylor, Amarillo, Texas Commerce Community Bank
600 E. Main St., Oak Grove, Louisiana Farmers Bank
31 W. Main Street, Carnegie, Oklahoma